Starz Electric is an electronics retailer with an expertise of 8 years in the market.
Our philosophy in two words: Service and Price. Starz Electric is a family-run business, who takes pride in its customer service and product knowledge. We take the time to get to know the customer and the product, so when you come into our store, you’re not talking to someone who’s under pressure to reach targets.
In reality you’ll probably be talking to the owner or family member, someone with serious know-how in their field. So not only we will be giving you a brilliant price, we’ll be able to provide you with advice you can really trust.
And it doesn’t stop there! Starz Electric also focus on after sales service; from delivery to installation, servicing and repairs, the Starz Electric experience does not stop when you exit the shop. We care about customers and pride ourselves on the attention we give to our customer’s after the sale.
From LCD TV and from Home Laundry to Refrigerator, Starz Electric can offer you the latest product ranges from top name brands at a very competitive price.